News from August 2001
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FinalBurn Alpha v0.136 released
A new FB Alpha has been released, here's what's new.
- The option bReadInputEveryFrame is now always ON during netplay.
- Disabled the T (talk) key during netply.
- Changing values in the ini only effect local play.
- Merged in some changes from big fool.
- Added an options dialog, still needs a bit of work.
- Added the layer toggle code by gangta.
- Added version 2 of HyperYagami's Cheat engine.
- Removed the Dat type code from the .ini file.
- Cheat options input screen added :)
- Fixed 4 player under Battle Circuit.
- Added lots more cheats to the fbcheat.dat file.
- Fixed so the 4/3up fixes only apply to netplay.
- Minor tweak to the Options Input screen.
- Added Mike's lovely FBA logo to all the doc's.
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
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Nebula v1.8 released
Roll up roll up, new Nebula released. Neo-Nebula-Geo :)
- NeoGeo emulated. Read NEOGEO.TXT for info.
- New autoframeskip code (much better).
- Please note that the working of UseMask in NEBULA.INI was changed in the previous version, read the updated comments in NEBULA.INI.
- New option to disable joystick & sound in GUI.
- New menu system (press ESC during gameplay) to access the different windows available for each system (savestate, loadstate, cheats).
- All game windows are enhaced with new fonts and colors (looks a lot better :) ).
- Re-added (again) the scanlines modes for 640x480, please, note that not all of the other modes work correctly in this resolution in CPS (1 and 2) games, so be careful. Neogeo games will work ok.
- Video options can be customized for each emulated system (CPS Horizontal/Vertical and Neogeo).
- Added the (experimental) -window option, that lauches nebula in a window. Use this option only if your desktop color depth is set to 16 bits.
- Added the -romcenter option that creates a DAT.
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
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More W.I.P
Things are getting exciting again, head over to the W.I.P page and you'll soon see why.
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A.C.E v1.4 released
Friol has updated A.C.E (Another Capcom (play system) Emulator), here's what's new.
- Added quick save/load states.
- Fixed the eeprom bug, no kludges for cps2 games.
- Eliminated bug that stopped sound in msh and sfa2.
- Corrected a sprite bank bug.
- Nicer gui font.
- Implemented "parent" romsets.
- Improved gui romselector.
- Added gui messages. Gui is not hybrid anymore.
- Switched to DDraw 3, and surprise surprise, DDraw3 is faster than DDraw7.
- Added a bunch of options to the ini file.
- Added Vampire: The Night Warriors.
- Added Capcom Sports Club Asia (clone).
- Added 19xx Hispanic (clone).
- Added Armored Warriors.
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
Calice32 v0.4.4 released
David Raingeard has released a new version of Calice hot on the tale of the last release, here's what's new...
- Drivers for almost all games existing on NeoGeo.
- Neogeo memory cards management functions.
- Increased neogeo emulation speed.
- Lots of bug fixes in the neogeo emulation core.
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
Elsemi has released a new version of his Jukebox, the new version (v1.5a) now plays NeoGeo tunes.
The new can be found on our downloads page.
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Calice32 v0.4.2 released
David Raingeard has released a nice new version of Calice.... NeoGeo anyone?
- Preliminary neogeo emulation
- Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move
- Panic Bomber
- Neo Turf Masters
- Aero Fighters 3
- Aero Fighters 2
- Samurai Shodown
- Quiz King of Fighters
- Power Spikes II
- Pop 'n Bounce
- Neo Mr. Do!
- Neo Drift Out
- Neo-Geo Cup '98
- Neo Bomberman
- NAM-1975
- Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001
- Mahjong Kyoretsuden
- Magician lord
- Legend of Success Joe
- Karnov's Revenge
- Quest of Jongmaster
- Gururin
- Goal! Goal! Goal!
- Battle Flip Shot
- Fight Fever / Crystal Legacy
- Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2
- Double Dragon
- Blue's Journey / Raguy
- Puzzle De Pon
- Puzzle De Pon R
- Sega Ssystem16/18 gpu sprite zoom support.
- Dual 68000 System16/18 support.
- Road emulation.
- Fixed alien storm's controls (System18)
- Hangon (System16)
- Space Harrier (System16)
- Time Scanner (System16)
- Moon Walker (bootleg) (System18)
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
FinalBurn Alpha v0.135 released
Team FB Alpha has put out a new build fixing many issues and also adding some nice new features...
- Readded Ayeye's pause code, works a lot better now. Also added his latest version which fixes a few bugs. the game will now pause when the panel is shown and when the window loses foucus. It is still disabled during netplay.
- Readded HyperYagami's multi rom path stuff.
- Fixed the updated Megaman driver.
- Added the first version of HyperYagami's cheat engine as well as making a few changes to disable it during multiplayer.
- A small fix so bReadInputEveryFrame is always off during netplay. Changing the value in the ini file now only effects local play.
- Fixed warnings that were starting to creep in.
- Region switches in batcirj, eco, armwar & sfz2aj.
- Fixed player 2 & 3 controls in Mercs.
- Merged LogiqX's driver changes.
- Merged LogiqX's dat generator, + new ini setting.
- Added Hotrod support in the ini.
- Added extra ports to CPS_RW.CPP, gets kicks working in sf2ue & better rotation in forgottn.
- Altered the driver list so that drivers are listed alphabetically, this fixes the 'doubling' in the game list, when creating an online game.
- Got 3up controls working in Knights of the Round.
- Tweaked load menu, everything should be correct.
- Added AvsP 3up & DDsom 4up in netplay.
- Fixed Ghouls, SSF2T SF2T + Clones in netplay.
- Fixed the region switches in netplay!
- Region switches for: DDtod, Pnickies, Megaman.
- Added Infinite Time cheats to all 1on1 games.
- Fixed the QNDream controller.
The updated version is on our
downloads page.
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Another W.I.P update.
A new report on current NeoGeo progress with some pictures, head over to our W.I.P page and take a look.
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W.I.P updated.
Some of you may find our new W.I.P update intresting.
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Calice32 v0.4.0 released
David Raingeard has released a nice new version of Calice ( homepage ). Here's what's new...
- Calice now needs about *HALF* the memory it needed in previous releases.
- Video plugins SDK.
- Fixed controls in 19xx + clones and cscj + clones.
- Fixed system16 & 18 tile ram byte accesses bug.
- Better Shadow dancer (system18) emulation.
- Better fixed Golden Axe (system16) emulation.
- Faster Sega System 16 and 18 emulation.
- New Drivers :
- Battle Circuit (Asia 970319)
- Battle Circuit (Japan 970319)
- Ultimate Ecology (Japan 931203)
- Eco Fighters (World 931203)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980629)
- Vampire: The Night Warriors (Jap 940630)
- Great Mahou Daisakusen (Japan 000121)
- Dimahoo (US 000121)
- Alien Storm (bootleg) (system16)
- Dynamite Dux (system16)
- E-Swat (system16)
- Altered Beast (system16)
- Alex Kidd (set 2) (Pre-system16)
- Fixed ROM names in :
- Kikaioh (JAPAN 980914)
- Muscle Bomber Duo: The body explosion
- Muscle Bomber Duo: Heat Up Warriors
- Street Fighter EX 2 (JAPAN 980312)
- Street Fighter EX Plus (USA 970311)
- Sonic Wings Limited (JAPAN)
Also a big thankyou for dedicating the release to me :))
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
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A.C.E v1.3 released
Friol has updated A.C.E (Another capcom Emulator), here's what's new.
- Switched to a68k core: 110 fps in Final Fight!!!
- DX Win2k bug eliminated! Thanks to Tim, Logiqx, Lorenzo , ayeye , Fox and all the others that helped me (opensource power!).
- Some work on the gui - you have a romselector now, and also some graphicmodes.
- Implemented a new tile engine for CPS2 games.
- Introduced CPS2 layer priorities and enabling.
- 90 degrees rotated gui support!
- Added Dungeon And Dragons Tower of Doom.
- Added Marvel Super Heroes.
- Added Street Fighter Alpha 2.
- Added Super Street Fighter 2.
- Added 19xx USA.
- Added Eco fighters.
- Added Battle Circuit Japan.
Download updated version from our
downloads page.
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FinalBurn Alpha v0.134 released
Team FB Alpha (previously LoopMasters build) has put out a new build adding yesterdays releases and more.
- Fixed FFightj GFX Loading
- Added 2 new fields to the driver structure
- Added TW's changes fixing descriptions of inputs.
- Changed the load dialog to support new text fields.
- removed the multi rom path code as it needs fixing.
- Added Merged CPS1 Drivers (Rest of the games!)
- Fixed Mercs and clones, Cawingj, Cworld2j, Pnickj & Qad gfx loading. 3wonders and clones & willow and clones GFX Loading + Banks.
- Added inputs that were missing but in MAME.
- Added Captain Commando and clones driver.
- Added MTwins + clones (thanks Diablo82 & TW).
- Fixed SF2 Init13 (thanks to Treble_Winner).
- Added TW's default controls code.
- Minor tweak to the load menu display.
- Added Ayeye's Pause Code. FinalBurn Alpha will now pause when the window loses focus. NB: the gui must be hidden for this to occur.
- Fixed problems with Win95/Kaillera (KEV).
- Added drivers for the new CPS2shock releases.
The updated version is on our
downloads page.
LogiqX ( homepage ) has updated his CPS-2 verify dat's to include all the info and more from yesterdays releases. They can also be found on the downloads. page.
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ZERO Hour!!!
To the lamers, 'All your headaches are belong to US'
It's My Birthday, whoooo hooo!!!
In the true birthday tradition I have decided to go one better than buying my friends a round of drinks from the local pub. Here are my birthday treats for all my friends in the emulation world and of course our donators.
Release 049 Dedicated to xacrow the dumper.
Vampire: The Night Warriors (940630) (520kb)
These files are not ROM's in any way, they simply
allow encrypted ROM's to be non-encrypted.
Release 050 Dedicated to KevinDO the donator.
Battle Circuit (Japan 970319) (782kb)
These files are not ROM's in any way, they simply
allow encrypted ROM's to be non-encrypted.
Release 051 Dedicated to pcb-a-holic the donator.
Eco Fighters (ETC 931203) (996kb)
These files are not ROM's in any way, they simply
allow encrypted ROM's to be non-encrypted.
Release 052 & 053 Dedicated to Hoonis the donator.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904) (668kb)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980629) (668kb)
These files are not ROM's in any way, they simply
allow encrypted ROM's to be non-encrypted.
Release 054 Dedicated to walk the donator.
Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980727) (668kb)
These files are not ROM's in any way, they simply
allow encrypted ROM's to be non-encrypted.
No birthday is complete without presents and I received a couple from 2 great guys, here I'll show you...
Kawaks v1.20
Ohhh my, this baby is running almost 15% faster on my system and if that isn't enough it has netplay and other cool goodies inside too. What a present, thankyou Mr K.
- New drivers :
- Battle Circuit (Japan 970319)
- Eco Fighters (World 931203)
- Vampire (Japan 940630)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980629)
- Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan 980727)
- Saturday Night Slam Masters (World)
- Saturday Night Slam Masters (US)
- Muscle Bomber (Japan)
- Muscle Bomber Duo (World)
- Muscle Bomber Duo (Japan)
- Three Wonders (US)
- Pang! 3 (Japan)
- Kaillera support! (That's netplay ) :
- Net chat key. Hit backspace in netplay to chat, excellent for fullscreen netplay :)
- Net chat macros. Define 5 chat keys for each game and a sentance to go with it (stored in games ini). Taunts at your fingertips :)
'Ken ate Ryu's Broomstick! baaahahaa!!!'
- Allows D&D Shadow over Mystara 4up.
- Allows Alien Vs. Predator 3up.
- Allows Batttle Circuit 4up.
- Capcom Sport Club extra characters.
- All codes available (unlocked) in SFA3/SFZ3.
- Better speed :
- Changed the 68000 core (now A68K).
- Optimised Rowscroll.
- Optimised Sprites.
- Optimised Z80 handling.
- Better compatibility :
- Fixed just every known CPS-1 bug!
- Added P3 and P4 to CPS-1 games.
- Added P3 for Armored Warriors and clones.
- Fixed rowscroll on Vampire "Vs" screen.
- Modified sprite system (Vampire smoother).
- Various glitches thanks to new 68000 core, CPS-2 games now run at 11.8MHz too.
- Better macros :
- New '+' token. If you use it that macro will allow input from the player during execution.
- Better savestates :
- Because of new core savestate format has changed. Most older states are accepted by this version and new saves are a lot smaller (RLE compressed).
- Dipswitches for CPS1 games.
- New font for OSD + ini setting for color.
- Fixed glitch in last line of 2xSai and others.
- Fixed a border blinking bug with some gfx cards.
- New "Mono sound" option (mono headphones).
- Added option to log sound to your harddisk.
- Option to disable the 4 OKI channels (CPS-1).
- Fixed editing errors in the Kawaks mascots :)
- The stuff I forgot to write down ;)
Take a closer look by visiting the Kawaks homepage.
Nebula v1.7
Man I nearly had a heart attack when I opened this gift and ran it.... 30%.... Yes thats right 30% faster than the last release. Here's what Elsemi included in the box...
- Switched to Mike Coates' A68K core, it's faster and more accurate. Due to this change, some of the old savestates may not work (I've tested all my savestates and all worked).
- Rewritten critical parts of the main emulation core, graphic tile drawers and the sound emulation. This should cause a major speedup.
- Added a powerful macro and hint system. Read the file MACROS.TXT. Hints are only visible if you are using 800x600 and no stretch.
- Fixed the wrong pitch and tempo of sound.
- Sound is now saved in CPS1 games.
- Fixed sound saving probiems in CPS2 games.
- 3wonders black squares fixed.
- Fixed game list slider, now works better.
Take a closer look by visiting the Nebulas Homepage.
The usual updated stuff can be found by visiting our downloads page but right now I'm off to try some Kaillera netplay. Find me on the official #CPS2shock server :))
Razoola (32 years young)
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07/08/2001 0 day!
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The day has come...
No! No cps3, No brand new emulator, No awaited XOR (not even a new japanese quiz. I can imagine the grief on your face...),
Not even a new site design.... (bummer!) So what? Yet another stupid hype? Who cares! I'm happy to wish my friend Razoola a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday RAZ!
Hey guys don't bitch, he is the one who made it!
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05/08/2001 Only 2 days left...
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FinalBurn Alpha v0.133 released
LoopMaster has put out a new build of FinalBurn Alpha as the old one was compiled with the debugger enabled. This caused a large speed hit easily visible on slower PC's. The updated version is on our
downloads page.
Calice32 v0.3.8 released
A nice new Calice build has turned up, look whats new...
- Added Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)
- Added Super Muscle Bomber (Japan 940808)
- Added Capcom Sports Club (Japan 970722)
- Added Capcom Sports Club (Asia 970722)
- Added SSF2 The tournament battle (ETC 931119)
- Fixed sprites in D&D: Tower of Doom + clones.
- Fixed ghouls'n'ghosts + clones.
- Added sprite ram bank switch
- Street Fighter Zero 3 now has MAME rom names.
- Video blitter plugins system.
- Nice rotated mode for shoot'em'ups.
- Enhanced game selector.
- Easy to use controllers plugin (joy + key).
- Modified main menu makeing it easier to use.
- Fixed dip switches configuration dialog.
- Added browse for folder dialogs.
- Partial Sega System 16 and 18 emulation with several games added.
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
FinalBurn Alpha v0.132 released
Yet another new LoopMaster build of FinalBurn...
- Hack Fixed the UN Squadron driver (KEV).
- Add WIP for better Multiply protection.
- Patched Knights of the round so you can play it.
- Added KoD driver By Mike_Haggar (fix by KEV).
- Added Support for 1941 and clones.
- A fully working King Of the Dragons Driver.
- A very small tweak to the game selection dialog.
- Re-added a few lines in drv.cpp to fix on-line mode and tweaked Rom search path.
- Added Better support for the CPS1 board IDs to get all the games that need it working and changed drivers as needed.
- Added Merged CPS2 Drivers (All games!).
- Added Merged CPS1 Drivers for : UN Squadron, Varth, Strider, MSword and Final Fight!
- Added Merged Sf2 and Sf2ce drivers with all clones with thanks to JeldrosJ3 for SF2RB2.
- Fixed the problem with Marvel Super Heroes (Japan) loading the USA version instead of the Japan version.
The new version is available on our
downloads page.
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03/08/2001 Only 4 days left...
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FinalBurn Alpha v0.131 released
LoopMaster has released another updated version of his FinalBurn build, now adding new Kaillera code, multiple rom directories and more CPS-1 games. The new version is available on our
downloads page.
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Only 5 days left....
For what you ask? Wait and see, time will surely tell...
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FinalBurn Alpha v0.129 released
LoopMaster has released another updated version of his FinalBurn build, now you no longer need patched XOR's to run pgear/armwar. Grab it from our
downloads page.
FinalBurn Alpha v0.128 released
LoopMaster has released a updated version of Finalburn based on the source code released by Dayvee. This build corrects ROM names to be compatible with the LogiqX DAT's and also adds Kaillera netplay support. You can find the new version on our
downloads page.
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