CPS-2 Shock  
Capcom's Play System 2 Decryption Team.
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Channel Statistics for #CPS2shock.

#cps2shock statistics generated by Razoola

Statistics generated from Wednesday 19.3.2008 to Sunday 29.3.2009
During this 376-day reporting period a total of 36 persons visited the channel #cps2shock

1. Main page | 2. Detailed info

Personal stats

1  Razoola
Homepage: http://www.cps2shock.
Last talked: 28.3 13:38
Visits: 337
Status: Operator
Lines: 2221
Active days: 212/376
Average lines per day: 10
Average letters per line: 34.7
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 12%
Number of nicks used: 3
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats most with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  16.3- 23.3- 
2 Snidger33
Last talked: 25.3 22:22
Visits: 416
Status: Operator
Lines: 1388
Active days: 234/376
Average lines per day: 5.9
Average letters per line: 43.5
Number of descriptions: 2
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 0.6%
Number of nicks used: 3
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats most with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  16.3- 23.3- 
3 Erod
Last talked: 28.3 16:25
Visits: 490
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 694
Active days: 129/376
Average lines per day: 5.4
Average letters per line: 33.3
Question ratio: 7.6%
Exclamation ratio: 0.9%
Number of nicks used: 2
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats most with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  16.3- 23.3- 
4 Chance
Homepage: http://www.xs4all....
Last talked: 3.3 19:30
Visits: 23
Status: Normal user
Lines: 59
Active days: 6/376
Average lines per day: 9.8
Average letters per line: 27.6
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 15%
Number of nicks used: 2
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
5 SpkLeader
Last talked: 25.3 9:48
Visits: 114
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 54
Active days: 13/376
Average lines per day: 4.2
Average letters per line: 28.9
Number of descriptions: 3
Question ratio: 19%
Exclamation ratio: 7.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  16.3- 23.3- 
6 wickedguy
Last talked: 23.12.2008 14:31
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 52
Average lines per day: 26
Average letters per line: 31.3
Number of descriptions: 7
Question ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats most with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
7 shenglong
Last talked: 8.10.2008 19:00
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 42
Average lines per day: 42
Average letters per line: 26.5
Question ratio: 21%
Exclamation ratio: 2.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats most with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
8 Ashura-X
Last talked: 16.1 13:42
Visits: 19
Status: Normal user
Lines: 41
Active days: 12/376
Average lines per day: 3.4
Average letters per line: 15.3
Question ratio: 9.8%
Exclamation ratio: 2.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
9 Scarlet-Tail
Last talked: 7.1 19:08
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 28
Average lines per day: 28
Average letters per line: 51.1
Question ratio: 29%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
10 gorzerk
Last talked: 14.9.2008 13:51
Visits: 2
Status: Normal user
Lines: 27
Average lines per day: 14
Average letters per line: 27.7
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 19%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

TOP 5 greeting people

  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Snidger33

"Hi ho"
2 Erod

"Hi Razoola"
3 SpkLeader

"hi there Snidger33"
4 Razoola

"hi again"
5 Ashura-X

"hi all."

Big Numbers

Juan couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #cps2shock 836 times during this reporting period...
wickedguy really wanted others to know what was doing - 7 descriptions alltogether.
 [15:45] * wickedguy is back from Ran to the Store. I was gone for 1hr 14mins ラI-n-v-i-s-i-o-nラ
Razoola spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 35 times...
Snidger33 wrote longest lines - average of 44 letters per line.
Total count of net splits: 53. In average that is 0.99 splits per week

Most splits per day: 3 splits on 13.3.2009

Longest net split occured on 18.6.2008 9:51 and lasted for 46 h 16 min (2 people dropped in this split)

Most people (7) dropped on 1.4.2008 21:00. This split lasted for 10 h 28 min.

Chat partners
People who talk most to each other

1 RazoolaSnidger33
2 RazoolaErod
3 Razoolashenglong
4 Snidger33wickedguy

Activity distribution
4/2008 - 3/2009

Lines per day Number of days
2 (0.6%)
0 (0%)
2 (0.6%)
24 (6.6%)
236 (65%)
99 (27%)

Most frequently repeated words at #cps2shock:

Count Word Last used by At
100 "though" Razoola 28.3 12:57
75 "because" Chance 3.3 19:17
50 "really" Erod 17.3 20:00
50 "problem" Razoola 16.2 19:02
45 "before" Razoola 26.3 17:27
45 "better" Razoola 17.3 19:49
45 "should" Razoola 28.3 12:54
42 "Probably" Razoola 28.3 13:05
37 "around" Chance 3.3 19:13
30 "another" Razoola 18.3 19:38

Most mentioned URL's:
Count Word Last used by At
3 "http://forum.planet-f1.com/index.php..." Razoola 26.3 20:25
3 "http://itv-80.vo.llnwd.net/d1/broadba..." Erod 11.5.2008 13:43
2 "http://www.corenet.fi/" Erod 26.9.2008 20:54
2 "http://unibios.free.fr/house/gardengr..." Razoola 8.7.2008 19:00
2 "http://www.soccer-live.pl/ITVF1/f1pla..." Razoola 28.9.2008 13:11

Chitter chatter of #CPS2shock:
(Read discussions on #CPS2shock from times gone past)

Log from 15th October 1999
Log from 17th August 2001
Capcom's Play System 2 Decryption Team.
W.I.P. Status CPS-2 Specs CPS Suicide Encryption Game List
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